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Game Update 27

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Game Update 27 Empty Game Update 27

Mensagem  Kelven18 Sáb Jun 08, 2013 12:24 pm

Players may notice the following changes:

Tides of War Summer Event!
The battle for the throne of Atlantis continues! Ocean Master, Aquaman's conniving half brother, has rallied a force of mutineer Atlanteans in an attempt to displace King Arthur and take the throne! The Atlantean civil war has breached the waters of Metropolis. Track "Tides of War" in your Mission Journal and check the Events tab in the On Duty menu to battle for the Atlantean Outpost. Fight for your side, and reap the rewards, including a new Diving Helmet and Atlantean themed base items.

Combat Improvements
We have taken significant steps to improve and tighten combat mechanics to ensure our combat system was reaching its full potential. These changes affect combat game wide, specifically in client/server synchronization, NPCs respecting suppression game effects properly, NPCs’ breaking out rules more closely resembling players, and counter immunity improvements. While some of these changes may be subtle, we believe the overall effort will deliver a better feeling combat system to all players.

·Combat Synchronization:
oMany of the presentation elements of combat (such as particle and sound effects, reaction animations, physics actions, damage numbers, and loot spawning) have been synchronized together to create a better sense of impact. What you see should now closer match what’s happening.
·NPC Breakout and Suppression Changes:
oNPCs that can be crowd controlled should behave a lot more like players when breaking out. They now play a breakout animation and particle effect, so it should be easier to tell when they do this. They also have to finish the breakout animation before they can act again. NPCs will no longer breakout immediately after being crowd controlled; they now have more human-like reaction times.
oSuppression is now more effective on NPCs, and is quite useful at stopping combos and jump, charge, blink, and spin attacks.
·Counter immunity improvements
oSuccessfully countering an NPC with a Block Breaker, Interrupt or Block will now immediately apply the “Counter Immunity” effect.
oCounter Immunity will now be applied the instant the counter attack hits, instead of being delayed for potentially as long as half a second.
oCorrected an issue that would sometimes cause Counter Immunity to fail to activate.
·Role Counter Improvements
oThe Confidence damage bonus received by Tanks, Controllers and Healers when attacking players of specific power types is now applied immediately when you hit them with a super power rather than having a chance of being applied on any hit.
§Tanks: Using a super power against a Controller no longer removes “Power Over Time” effects. Using a super power against a Controller now reduces their Vitalization, reducing the overall effectiveness of Power Healing allies and themselves.

New PvP Reward Structure
Daily rewards for Arenas and Legends have been split into winners’ and participants’. There are now rewards received for a victory (at the end of the match on a win), and rewards received for participation (at the end of the match, regardless of win or loss). Essentially, winners receive the both rewards for the match, and those who did not win will receive only the participation reward.

We have also returned to the idea of free or unlocked Mark of Valor rewards for both Arenas and Legends. These are awarded in addition to any other rewards and are added directly to your currency tab as marks, not as treasure boxes. These awards do not scale with PvP combat rating.

Quantum Consumables
New consumables have been added allowing players to apply the Quantum power interactions. Chronometric Emitters damage, freeze, and apply Destabilized (Time) to all nearby enemies, while Graviton Accelerators damage, stun, and apply Graviton Charged (Space) to all nearby enemies.

·Players can now invite characters from the opposing alignment into their bases
·Mainframe: The Core Strength mod when combined with the “Confidence” damage bonus now increases your total damage output from 135% to 145% for Tanks, Healers and Controllers.

·Characters with Controller role power sets will now be able to complete the Theme Appearance feat "God of the North"
·Bosses in Tier 5 content will now have a chance to drop the R&D plans for consumables
·The timer for the Deserter Flag should be more accurate
·Some NPCs will now always show their name and health
·Fixed some issues where audio would stop playing
·Changed the camera behavior when targeting tall enemies to no longer zoom in to frame that target. It can still temporarily zoom out to help make the target visible if the camera is zoomed in
·Suppression is now more effective on NPCs, and is quite useful at stopping combos and jump, charge, blink, and spin attacks

·Fixed numerous problems with Lethal Zealot Gear
·Added Chronometric Emitters as R&D consumables. These damage and freeze enemies in time, causing them to become Destabilized
·Added Graviton Accelerators as R&D consumables. These damage and stun enemies, causing them to become Graviton-Charged
·The Core Strength mod when combined with the Confidence damage bonus now increases your total damage output from 135% to 145% for Tanks, Healers, and Controllers

Legends PvP
·General Zod's and Ursa's Crushing Lunge will now play the proper impact visual effects

·Blind Eye: Thanks to repeated use of EMPs in the area, the invisible forcefield blocking access to a side tunnel from the first catwalk room has been weakened enough to be seen by the naked eye and will turn off once the nearby OMACs are defeated
·South Gotham Agenda: These missions are now unlockable via Replay Badges. These missions are still bundled with one interaction on a terminal. To keep the same functionality, the missions can be reset for a bundle price. For 18 replay badges, you can unlock all 4 daily missions on this terminal. The price is the same if you have only 1 to 3 missions to unlock
·Toyman’s Time Out: These missions are now unlockable via replay badges. These missions are still bundled with one interaction on a terminal. To keep the same functionality, the missions can be reset for a bundle price. For 15 replay badges, you can unlock all 3 daily missions on this terminal. The price is the same if you have only 1 or 2 missions to unlock

·Updated power tree descriptions to more accurately describe counter role effects
oThe healing, damage, pull-in, and spreading of Bad Karma effects of Shared Fate are now all applied instantly instead of being delayed up to 1 second. The healing and spreading of Bad Karma will now apply even if a target is KO’d by the damage of Shared Fate
oThe duration of Arbiter of Destiny is now 10 seconds when used in PvP arena zones
oEquipping a Hand Blaster weapon while in Insect form will no longer cause issues
oUpdated the healing portion of Absorb Heat, Backdraft, Wildfire, and Fiery Weapon to work more consistently
oFlashpoint: Objects will now be set on fire when Immolation is active as stated in the tooltip

·Arkham Asylum
o Terror Crows nameplate is now directly above their head like other NPCs.

PvP Scrimmage
·Scrimmage challenges sent to non-leader group members are now forwarded to the group leader to accept or decline
·Increased messaging to group members when a scrimmage challenge is sent or received by their group
·Players can no longer be challenged to a scrimmage while in the middle of a race
·The pregame timer in short-sided scrimmages will jump to 30 seconds when everyone has zoned in rather than waiting two minutes for more players

·Fixed minor UI issue relating to exit locations
·Fixed several typographical errors within the text displayed while characters spoke
·Stat changes will now automatically update abilities effects

·Weapon Vitalization will now correctly update when items break or are unequipped
·Ranged Weapons
Ranged attacks from Bow, Dual Pistol, Hand Blaster, and Rifle will now properly hit the target in the chest

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Mensagens : 629

CR : 90 SP: 114 / 60 SP: 68 / 97 SP: 106
Nick : Saint Kelven - H, KelvenBR - H, Saori San - H, CatBat Girl - H

Servidor : EUPS3/USPS3

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Game Update 27 Empty Re: Game Update 27

Mensagem  sardik Sáb Jun 08, 2013 1:13 pm

Já que eles vão mudar algumas coisas no sistema RPS eu esperava que mudassem alguma coisa em favor dos trollers, mas pelo que está no test server ficou ainda mais fácil pros tanks acabarem com os trollers e continua a mesma coisa quando você é um troller e enfrenta um healer, é bem triste jogar arena e não ter a minima chance contra um tank e quando for lutar contra um healer sofrer muito pra talvez ganhar.

Usúario Experiente
Usúario Experiente

Mensagens : 499

CR : 98 163sp
Nick : Sardik

Servidor : USPC

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Game Update 27 Empty Re: Game Update 27

Mensagem  rodgo11 Sáb Jun 08, 2013 3:23 pm

Fiz uma leitura rápida, gostei de que eles voltarem ao sistema antigo de premio de participação, vai facilitar a vida no pvp, e provavelmente agora vamos poder ficar fazendo legends e ganhando prêmios quantas vezes quisermos Very Happy
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Poderes em ascenção

Mensagens : 176

Servidor : PC

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Game Update 27 Empty Re: Game Update 27

Mensagem  Kelven18 Sáb Jun 08, 2013 5:16 pm

eu gostei mais dos novos consumables baseados em Quantum e na volta do evento do aquaman, os trinkets dele são fodas e podem ser usados sem tirar o uso dos de Fos.. Smile
agora usarei 5 trinkets na minha loadout de controller(sim, porque como dps você não tem tempo pra apertar start por ter que atacar rápido e como healer também não por alguém ter chance de tomar um hit alto demais e como tank num faz tanta diferença).
a vantagem de apertar start funciona bem melhor pra controllers, se o dps gastar power demais e você achar que num dá tempo é só ativar o Supercharge de power e escudo, e depois trocar Smile
eu uso todos esses que fornecem power: Fos, Central City, Sidekick lvl máximo, Supply Drop lvl máximo e agora o do Aquaman Smile 1 min garantido com um pot de 240 a mais de Vit lol
controller que sabe administrar trinket é monstro... Smile

Mensagens : 629

CR : 90 SP: 114 / 60 SP: 68 / 97 SP: 106
Nick : Saint Kelven - H, KelvenBR - H, Saori San - H, CatBat Girl - H

Servidor : EUPS3/USPS3

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Game Update 27 Empty Re: Game Update 27

Mensagem  Mozart Sáb Jun 08, 2013 8:57 pm

Esse trinket de FOS é tão bom assim ? Joguei o meu fora um dia desses scratch . Pra tank faz alguma diferença ?
Usúario Experiente
Usúario Experiente

Mensagens : 462

CR : CR: 100 / Skill Points: 97
Nick : KidBengala01

League : Renegados BR

Servidor : USPC

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Game Update 27 Empty Re: Game Update 27

Mensagem  Mozart Sáb Jun 08, 2013 9:00 pm

Aliás, falando em trinket, qual dos trinkets da Home Turf são prioritários pra vcs ? O Orbital Strike realmente faz diferença ? Daqueles capangas, vcs usam o Sidekick (que é 1 só) ou usam os back ups (que são até três) ? E o Supply Drop, alguém pode me explicar o que seria aquele objeto caindo de para quedas ? I'm so newbee.
Usúario Experiente
Usúario Experiente

Mensagens : 462

CR : CR: 100 / Skill Points: 97
Nick : KidBengala01

League : Renegados BR

Servidor : USPC

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Game Update 27 Empty Re: Game Update 27

Mensagem  sardik Sáb Jun 08, 2013 10:48 pm

Orbital strike comigo(troller) sem debufar defesa tira em torno de 4k, e o supply drop recupera health e power( semelhante à uma soder cola remix) e da um buff de 50% em todo mundo que passar por ele, os outros não acho muito interessantes.

Usúario Experiente
Usúario Experiente

Mensagens : 499

CR : 98 163sp
Nick : Sardik

Servidor : USPC

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Game Update 27 Empty Re: Game Update 27

Mensagem  Razor3AR Dom Jun 09, 2013 3:59 am

Olha, uma coisa que vou falar sobre o trinket dos capangas é que estão sendo bastante inúteis pra nível de T5.
Vejo muito player utilizando eles nas alertas, mas não duram nem 10 segundos vivos. Eles morrem com um tapa dos boss (mini-boss, paradox destroyer, dupla dos waynes, batman future em FR, etc etc)

Se não é o healer utilizar um poder que cure eles, esquece. E os players também não podem esperar que o healer do grupo vá gastar mana curando capanga, por isso nem compensa usar.

Qual é a saída? Bom, eu to usando o Acomplice. Eu não curtia ele antes, mas vejo que o bichinho vale mais a pena se tratando de T5. Motivo? Apesar dele ser UM SÓ (diferente dos capangas que são três) ele possui HP MAIOR em compensação. Logo o healer do grupo tem bem mais tempo de sair tacando cura sem que ele morra rápido. Então tenho feito isso nessas alertas, ativo ele e vou meio que tacando cura quando necessário (sem gastar muito é claro). Embora quando esse trinket do accomplice terminar, não pretendo renová-lo, porque ainda acho que não vale a pena o gasto. Prefiro investir em outros trinkets como o Suply que não pode de jeito nenhum faltar e digo que já salvou o traseiro dos grupos que joguei muitas vezes.

Vale lembrar outras 2 coisas sobre o Accomplice:

- Alguns dizem que ele não compensa pq tira menos dano e dura a mesma coisa que os capangas. MENTIRA. Total engano. Ele tira menos dano, isso é verdade, porem como compensação fica MAIS tempo lutando do que os capangas. Ou seja, da na mesma, menos dano, maior tempo, enquanto capangas mais dano porem menos tempo.

- Ele te cura quando você está com a HP baixa. Sem contar que ele automaticamente toma soda tmb. Só não sei quanto aos players do grupo, curar acho que não cura, mas tmb ai já é querer demais.

Já vi vários players que antes utilizavam capangas mas já trocaram pro accomplice. Esses dias tinha 2 accomplice lutando contra o Paradox Destroyer em BiA, e nenhum deles era o meu.
Usúario Experiente
Usúario Experiente

Mensagens : 531

Servidor : PC

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Game Update 27 Empty Re: Game Update 27

Mensagem  Kelven18 Dom Jun 09, 2013 9:49 am

Mozart escreveu:Aliás, falando em trinket, qual dos trinkets da Home Turf são prioritários pra vcs ? O Orbital Strike realmente faz diferença ? Daqueles capangas, vcs usam o Sidekick (que é 1 só) ou usam os back ups (que são até três) ? E o Supply Drop, alguém pode me explicar o que seria aquele objeto caindo de para quedas ? I'm so newbee.

eu só uso trinkets que recuperam power embora o Orbital Strike seja bom..
o Sidekick dá uns tick de 300 de power algumas vezes enquanto está vivo, além de me curar..
já o Back up não pode ser usado junto com ele, acho o Back up melhor pra dps por ser focado totalmente no dano.
consigo mais de 1000 de power instântaneo com o Supply Drop no lvl máximo, por isso uso.
o de fos é útil pelo fato de que você rapidamente reativa ele, enquanto o de central city demora pra caramba e a única forma de saber se seu uso voltou é o raio em torno do corpo do char que aparece(e isso pra perceber sempre é complicado), o bom é que esse raio aparece mesmo se o trinket não tiver no utility belt(ai sei a hora certa de colocar).

Mensagens : 629

CR : 90 SP: 114 / 60 SP: 68 / 97 SP: 106
Nick : Saint Kelven - H, KelvenBR - H, Saori San - H, CatBat Girl - H

Servidor : EUPS3/USPS3

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